Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Video Recorded Interview To Look At Skills Social Work Essay

A Video Recorded Interview To Look At Skills Social Work Essay I was asked to complete a video interview to practice my interviewing skills and analyse my ability to do so effectively. In this essay, I will highlight my strengths and weaknesses, and identify any future learning needs I wish to develop. It is vital for social workers to conduct successful and ethical interviews in their profession, it is therefore critical that I understand the values and techniques used, so that I myself can complete a profitable interview in the future. Firstly, I considered practicalities, such as venue and environment, where I tried to create an atmosphere where the client felt comfortable. I tried to not consciously fidget or distract the client (by playing with my hair/hands) and tried to avoid any intrusions (no one knocked at the door) which could disrupt the clients concentration or affect her mood. I also ensured that we had complete privacy throughout the interview, as this would make the client more comfortable and willing to share information. The working alliance, outlined by Koprowska (2005), indicates that a more successful interview will take place when the interviewer is understanding, attentive and respectful. I believe I demonstrated all these qualities, but my strongest attribute was showing the client respect. I did this by listening attentively, demonstrated by appropriate eye gaze (Egan, 2010) and nodding (Koprowska, 2005), which suggested interest and encouragement (Mehrabian, 1972). I sometimes used vocal prompts, such as yes yes, which also encourages the client to continue talking, but do not act as interruptions to her speaking (Koprowska, 2005). Another way in which I conveyed respect was by being courteous, which is highlight by the GCSS Code of Practice. I was polite and demonstrated good manners, but also communicated core values of social work such as anti-oppressive practice (by recognising the uniqueness of the client Thompson, 2006) and adopting a person-centred approach (by putting the clients needs first), which in turn highlighted my respect to the clients worth and dignity (Koprowska, 2005). I also delivered the interview in accordance with the GSCC Code of Practice by being clear and concise I used direct, simple language and kept the conversation on the subject at hand and directed at the key issues. I used both open and closed questions in the interview as I wished to gain factual information from the client (Koprowska, 2005), but I mainly used open questions as I wanted to elicit more expansive answers (p 83). I also demonstrated use of a probing question so that the client would elaborate on one of her answers. Edenborough (2002) recognises that a probing question can be used to gain further information but it has been suggested that too many probing questions can make the client feel as though she is being interrogated. Therefore, I did not use many. However, they were not necessary as the client was quite articulate in her answers. Tone of voice and pace of speech is another important aspect of verbal communication, especially when working with visually impaired service users (Koprowska, 2005). I believe my tone of voice varied appropriately in the interview, but I was not aware of the pace of my speech. However, I can recall from my shadowing experience, that the social worker spoke slowly and allowed small silences between questions to ensure that the service user had finished talking and giving their answers. I believe this to be a very valuable skill to have when working with visually impaired service users. Walmsley (1994) reports that while only 7% of words and 38% of voice leads to communication, a majority of 55% of communication is due to gestures and expression, and Argyles (1975) research suggested that a persons physical gestures and their mode of sitting can tell us much about that person. It is therefore vital to use non-verbal communication in social work interviews. I sat back in my chair and faced the client squarely to demonstrate a relaxed, open atmosphere to create a sense of involvement with the client (Egan, 2010). My facial expression was neutral with occasional smiles, but it was not distracting as Egan (2010) points out that this can create a tense and uncomfortable environment. Being natural helps put the client at ease (Egan, 2010). I demonstrated a natural persona by laughing with the client when she made a humorous comment. This showed empathy and hopefully added to the rapport building relationship. However, this is the extent of my non-verbal communication and an area that should be improved to include non-vocal prompts and gestures. This will aid the client to understand and validate the verbal conversation I am communicating (Koprowska, 2005). Another limitation in my interview skills is that I did not reflect or summarise at the end of the interview. Edenborough (2002) names the reflecting question, which is the ability to reflect back on the clients answers, which is something I did not consider. Neither did I paraphrase, which checks out understanding (Koprowska, 2005, p87). In addition, I did not end the interview well. I did not conclude or summarise, which Koprowska (2005) identifies as being important to collect up and agree key points (p87). Although, I politely thanked the client for attending the interview, I demonstrated a very poor ending to the interview which should be improved. Not only did I not end the interview well, I did not particularly start it well either. In the engage and explain phase of the interview, I said hello and informed the client that I would be asking her some questions, but I did not elaborate, did not introduce myself or check the clients understanding about the purpose of the interview. This may have jeopardised our relationship and rapport-building. Fortunately in this case, I believe that this did not affect the conversation and there was open and free communication between myself and the client. To conclude, I believe I demonstrated some strong qualities and abilities throughout the interview (for example, showing respect), but there are many aspects which I need to improve on, such as summarising and non-verbal communication. Although I attempted to create a friendly and relaxed environment, the interview appeared to be quite structured and forced, but this may have been because the interview was being recorded and assessed. However, this was my first interview that I have conducted and my nerves may have caused this slight inconsideration. Undertaking reflection upon the interview has highlighted the importance of preparation and planning needed for a successful interview and how this process with essentially help me to develop a more confident approach in future social work practice. Argyle, M. (1975). Bodily communication. Methuen: London, UK Edenborough, R. (2002). Effective interviewing: A handbook of skills and techniques. Kogan Page Ltd: London, UK Egan, G. (2010). The skilled helped: A problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning: Belmont, CA, USA Koprowska, J. (2005). Transforming social work practice: Communication and interpersonal skills in social work. Learning Matters Ltd: Exerter, UK Mehrabian, A. (1972). Non-verbal communication. Aldine Atherton: Chicago, USA Thompson, N. (2006). Anti-discriminatory practice. (4th Eds). Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire, UK Walmsley, H. (1994). Counselling techniques for managers. Kogan Page: London, UK UNIT TWO SHADOWING A SOCIAL WORKER The organisation in which my shadowing opportunity took place was the visual impairment team (VIT) in Rotherham. I shadowed the only social worker in the team for one day. When people are experiencing sight problems, they are referred to an ophthalmologist by their GP or optician, where they are either registered as severely sight impaired or sight impaired. If consent is given, their information is passed on to the social services, where the VIT will contact them to arrange a home visit. I had the opportunity to assist SW* on two of these initial home visits. The VIT offers a person-centred assessment of the care needs of people with a visual impairment and provides specialist equipment and independence training in mobility, communication and daily living skills. Information about some of the resources available to service users was made apparent by the SW during an initial home visit which I was able to observe. Debbie* was a widow in her 50s who had recently been registered as sight impaired. This was the first visit SW made to Debbie, and SW was interested in finding out what Debbies strengths and needs were. Debbie was quite articulate in explaining where she needed help and extra support. For example, she explained that the lighting in her lounge and bedroom was not bright enough for her to see, so SW explained that she would liaise with the council to fit brighter lights. Debbie also expressed that she had trouble reading, and was becoming bored of watching television all of the time, so SW recommended the talking newspaper and audio books, which Debbie was quite interested in. Debbie explained that she frequently visited a local resource centre to engage in activities and would be interested in other groups she could attend. Debbie lived in an elderly neighbourhood and found this quite isolating, and stated that she only had one regular friend. Debbie stated that she had previously bee n prescribed with anti-depressants, at this point SW advised Debbie to seek medical advice from her GP as it appeared that her isolation may be impacting on her emotional wellbeing. On reflection I feel that the SW was able to investigate this further by effectively asking probing questions (see Edenborough, 2002). This communication skill is highly important for SW as verbal communication is vital in this area of social work, as non-verbal communication may be lost on the visually impaired service users. Gaining more information allowed SW to identify appropriate intervention (GP advice) as she was actively analysing/processing the information being given. This type of thinking is closely linked to reflective practice (see Fook Gardner, 2007). When SW asked for my thoughts, I was also able to reflect on the situation and identify that although Debbie presented with low self-esteem and confidence, she appeared to be motivated by wanting to become more involved in community based resources/activities and therefore a good method of intervention would be to encourage and support her to access this.. Below is what I would consider to be an important quote from the Person-Centred Support: What Service Users and Practitioners Say (2008) report: An idea which came from service users themselves will only be realised if individuals are empowered to play their full part, not only in determining their own lives but also in the transformation of public services (p1). Person-Centred Support: A Guide for Service Users (2008) identifies eight important aspects of person-centred support. These included choice and control, listening and information. SW listened intensively to Debbie and was able to pick up hidden feelings behind what Debbie said. SW also gave Debbie plenty of information about available resources and services, which allowed Debbie to have control and make choices about what sort of services she would like. Allowing service users to make their own choices is also written in the GSCC Code of Practice (1.3) and encourages anti-oppressive practice (AOP). Dominelli (2002) states that in order for a practitioner to engage in AOP, they must conceptualise their relationships with clients and move away from privileging their own expert knowledge while devaluing those of the people with whom they work (p34). Essentially, this means that the social worker and service user should work in partnership, where they negotiate with one another to set and achieve goals and objectives (page 36). This empowers the service user and creates a person-centred approach. It was evident that SW adopted a person centred approach and was also able to empathise with the service user as she also had a visual impairment and is also herself a service user. SW demonstrated her knowledge of section 5 of the National Occupational Standards (NOS). She had in-depth knowledge of the services available and of direct payments. During my shadowing opportunity, we discussed relevant legislation and SW reminded me that the VIT work within the statute of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA 1995, 2005) and NHS and Community Care Act (1990). SW demonstrated many skills and values, which are outlined by the Code of Practice. For example, SW promoted Debbies independence by assisting her to understand her rights (3.1) and promoted her interests by treating her as an equal (1.4), which is also in accordance with the DDA. SW worked in accordance with the NOS by exercising good practice and contacting Debbie after she was referred to the VIT (2G) and by arranging a formal initial assessment to assess Debbies needs (2H), which is also in accordance with the NHS and Community Care Act. Prior to my shadowing opportunity, I was worried as to whether I would be able to follow all the rules and procedures set out by the Code of Practice and NOS once in the world of social work, but after observing SW I was assured that knowledge and skills would come with practice and time. I was already familiar with some of the theoretical perspectives and legislation behind SWs work and believe completing any forthcoming placement will allow me further opportunities to apply theory to practice and to identify appropriate methods of intervention in different social work settings. *False names have been used to respect the confidentiality of the social worker and service user. Disability Discrimination Act (1995, 2005) Dominelli, L. (2002). Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire, UK Edenborough, R. (2002). Effective interviewing: A handbook of skills and techniques. Kogan Page Ltd, London Fook, J. Gardner, F. (2007). Practising critical reflection: A resource handbook. McGraw-Hill Companies: Berkshire, UK General Social Care Council Code of Practice for Social Care Workers (2004) National Occupational Standards for Social Work (2002) National Health Service and Community Care Act (1990) Person Centred Support: A Guide for Service Users (2008) Joseph Roundtree Foundation Person Centred Support: What Service Users and Practitioners Say (2008) Joseph Roundtree Foundation UNIT THREE REFLECTING ON FUTURE LEARNING NEEDS During the past five months, I have gained a wide theoretical/knowledge base of social work principles and had the opportunity to apply this to some practical practice experiences (interview and shadowing). Reflecting on these experiences has helped me to identify some key areas which I feel may need to be improved in order to develop my learning, and are highlighted within the body of this report. Writing assessments and reports has been recognised as core skills in social work practice. Therefore, it is essential that I am capable of collecting and presenting information in the form of an assessment/report, especially as my placement is with a Youth Offending Team and I will be required to write coherent reports for other professional bodies that can provide accurate insight of service user experiences and needs that are backed up by relevant theory and knowledge. From completing the ICT assignment, I have gained knowledge on how to format Word documents and search for information on the internet, which will be highly useful when it comes to writing a report. Although I possess these basic skills, learning how to complete a successful assessment/report within legislative and policy frameworks is a major area for development, as this will play a large role in my placement. A major learning goal for my next academic year is that of reflective thinking and writing. Before starting this course, I had not completed a reflective account of writing. Rather, I had only completed experimental reports and critical essays. Even though my skills in reflective writing are improving, I still find this quite difficult. I also need to improve my ability to critically reflect upon my work. Giddens (1991) highlights that I will have to constantly adapt to changing conditions (cited in Fook Gardner, 2007, p10) in the world of work, and critical reflection will allow me to stand back to analyse the issue and manage it more effectively, which in turn will act as a process for me to learn and develop my professional practice (Fook Gardner, 2007). In order to critically reflect back on my practice, I must first learn how to effectively apply theory to practice. I must use a theoretical framework to inform my decisions when on my placement, and then use formal and informal knowledge sources to guide my practice (Oko, 2008). The GSCC Code of Practice clearly points out that a social worker must strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users (p14). This is vital to form a healthy professional relationship between the social worker and the service user. Service users may be vulnerable and susceptible to discrimination or unjust treatment; therefore, the social worker must not abuse the service users trust or demonstrate oppressive practice, but instead be honest and trustworthy (2.1), communicate in a straightforward way (2.2) and respect confidential information (2.3). I believe two of the most important aspects highlighted by the Code of Practice is that the social worker should be reliable and dependable (2.4) and should honour work agreements and arrangements (2.5). Service users, who can sometimes feel lost and helpless, rely on their social worker to provide services and support to help them lead an independent life as possible, but if the social worker cannot commit to ag reed meetings or agreed plans (Koprowska, 2005, comments on the importance of punctuality), the service users trust and confidence in the social worker and social care services will diminish. Social workers should be sensitive to the needs and experiences of service users and should act appropriately. I aim to develop my skills in understanding the experiences of service users and IDENTIFYING their needs, as this information and knowledge will allow me to target specific potential problem areas and produce more focused support and services. A way I have been able to demonstrate my ability to identify a service users need is when I visited Debbie* during my shadowing opportunity. Debbie had sight problems, and the aim of the visit was to assess any specific areas that she may need help/SUPPORT with. Later, when discussing/reflecting with the social worker I was shadowing, I was able to identify that although Debbie needed practical sight-related help, (e.g. brighter lights in her lounge), she also appeared to be isolated/depressed and have low self-esteem. I discussed/considered various group activities and social groups that may help Debbie to overcome her loneliness and boost her confidence in herself. These were discussed with Debbie, to ensure a person-centred approach was taken and allowed her choice and control. Adopting this approach essentially lends support to the principles of anti-oppressive practice (Thompson, 2006). Another way in which I believe I have demonstrated sensitivity towards service users was in my video interview. Although this was not conducted with a service user, this video analysis enabled me to reflect back on my performance, where I realised I showed great respect towards the client. This is a skill I will transfer when practising social work. Although I believe to have some shown some strengths in my interview assessment and shadowing experience, questioning my techniques has helped me to consider areas on which I need to improve. I acknowledge that my reflecting and summarising in the interview was weak and is an area I definitely need to work on. I must do this to ensure that the client understands the information which was referred to and understands any goals, aims or objectives (Koprowska, 2005). I learned from both experiences that effective communication is of critical importance when working with service users and must be a two way process that values the input of service users. Reflecting on my shadowing experience and working with clients who experience sight impairments is a good example of how communication is key, especially verbal communication, as non-verbal communication and the clients ability to interpret body language may be lost on them (Koprowska, 2005). As a social work student I need to develop on all of these skills during my placement and to build on my academic learning to progress professionally. In addition, I need to increase my confidence and ability to apply this to social work practice and intervention. I acknowledge that continuous reflection of my learning needs is going to be vital to ensure that I become a competent social worker. One who can successfully transfer these learned skills and attributes to different social work settings and to different service user groups to ensure that the best possible care and support is provided. *False names have been used to respect the confidentiality of the service user General Social Care Council Code of Practice for Social Care Workers (2004) Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and self-identity. Polity: Cambridge, UK Koprowska, J. (2005). Transforming social work practice: Communication and interpersonal skills in social work. Learning Matters Ltd: Exerter, UK Oko, J. (2008). Transforming social work practice: Understanding and using social work theory. Learning Matters Ltd: Exeter, UK Thompson, N. (2006). Anti-discriminatory practice. (4th Eds). Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire, UK Fook, J. Gardner, F. (2007). Practising critical reflection: A resource handbook. McGraw-Hill Companies: Berkshire, UK

Friday, January 17, 2020

Personalized Nutrition And Exercise Plan Essay

For as long as I can remember, I have always had some sort of struggle with my weight. When I was younger, I was a top ranked gymnast and it was extremely important for me to maintain a low, yet healthy weight. I managed to be successful with that for years up until the time that I got severely injured ultimately forcing me to quit competing. Upon quitting gymnastics, I hit puberty, my body drastically changed, and access weight has been an issue ever since. The birth of my two children has not helped my struggle with weight as I had gained 40 pounds with each pregnancy. As you can see, my outstanding weight issue is what will be discussed in this paper. Up until now my diet has consisted of whatever and how much of whatever I chose to eat. I have never paid attention to calories, nutritional facts, or the size of portions. I have always just eaten what I wanted to eat until I had felt like I had had enough. Although I struggle with my weight, I have never been considered â€Å"fat† by those around me. My height is 5 feet 4 inches and my weight is 175 pounds. When I enter this information into a BMI calculator it gives me the body mass index of 30 which is considered moderately obese. Just hearing the word obese gives me a horrible feeling and makes me want to cry. I have never considered myself obese. However, at the same time I am constantly disgusted with my body. Throughout my journey through this class I have been able to think of many goals to set for myself to allow me to be healthier. First, I will start with my nutritional goals. The first nutritional goal I will talk about is my daily caloric intake. From now on, I plan to limit my daily calories to 1200 making sure I do not fall below the 1200 count. I realize how important it is to consume at least 1200 calories a day; falling below the 1200 calorie count can lead to dangerous, unhealthy weight loss as well as poor nutrition. My second nutritional goal is to pay attention to the percentages of each thing I am supposed to include in my diet such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and so on. For example, I want to make sure I consume the recommended 45 grams of protein and be careful that I do not exceed this amount. Staying within my recommended nutritional needs is important for a successful weight loss. Next, I will move on to the goals I have set for myself when it comes to exercise. As mentioned in a previous assignment, I usually try to take Zumba classes twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. These classes are a minimum of an hour in length. I have talked to my instructor and found out that Zumba burns a minimum of 500 calories an hour for the weight range that I am currently in. Burning 500 calories in an hour is amazing and definitely helpful when it comes to losing unwanted weight. I plan to stick with my two Zumba classes a week. My second exercise goal is to spend 30 minutes each morning, just after waking, doing some sit-ups, push-ups, and crunches. My husband, who is a huge health and workout fanatic, has informed me that doing a short workout first thing in the morning helps kick up your metabolism. Lastly, the most important goal I could possibly set for myself would be to increase my water consumption. I have never been a fan of water because I have always thought of it as something will a dull taste. There are weeks when I can go without drinking any water. It seems as though I get my hydration from foods, some juice, but mostly soda pop. Soda pop is, by far, my worst addiction. Every time that I eat I feel as though I need to drink a pop with my food. I plan on eliminating pop from my diet and replacing it with water. Certain actions will be required to ensure I reach my goals. I will start planning out meals and making sure they have the appropriate amount of calories needed. When it comes to shopping for groceries and ingredients, I will take the extra time needed to carefully organize a shopping list that way I can avoid buying compulsively. This will make it easier to not only eat healthier, but buy healthier so that I do not have any high calorie, diet blowing snacks hidden in the house. With any goals that you set in life there will always be times when you run into complications. When it comes to my exercising goals I feel as though my family and children may complicate some of my plans. I cannot necessarily attend a Zumba class while my husband is at work and a sitter cannot be found. There may also be times when we are on the run and healthy food just is not an option at the time. Holiday meals are also a time when my caloric intake may be higher than normal. I just have to realize that even if I do mess up every now, or choose to splurge, I must continue on and not give up or lose motivation to complete my goals. In order to determine whether or not I succeed with my goals I will need ways to measure the success. I will start out by taking measurements of my body including areas like my waist, hips, thighs, arms, and chest. Even though I may not see a huge difference on the scale the inch measurements taken will be the deciding factor. I will also plan to include my husband and family in my goals so that they are informed about them and can help aid me in the journey of completing them. If friends and family know it will make it easier to stay motivated. Failure to truly commit myself to this plan can lead to morbid obesity. There are so many health risks that include heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, and breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma. Staying healthy is so important to me now more than ever. I want to live long healthy lives and be able to watch my children grow up, graduate, get married, and have my grandchildren. Obesity is such a serious problem and surprisingly it affects over 34% of American adults (Hellmich, 2010). That number is astonishing to me! I feel as though this plan will work out great for personal weight loss. Experts have spoken about how weight can be loss with simply dieting, however, they have also pointed out the dieting accompanied with exercise will increase your results (â€Å"Exercise and Weight Loss,† n.d.). By decreasing my caloric intake and increasing the amount of physical activity I can be sure that I will shed some, if not all, of the unwanted pounds, not to mention, live a healthier life. With some exercise and diet plans changing circumstances can force you to make alterations to your plan. Many people may include physical activity that can only take place outdoors; however, I have set goals that can be performed either inside or outside all year long. The changing seasons will not have an effect on the diet and exercise plan I have laid out for myself. The only circumstance that may slightly affect my diet and exercise plan would be pregnancy. My husband and I have discussed the possibility of having another child sometime within the next two years. If pregnancy does arise then I will have to make alterations to my plan such as adding 300 calories to my diet a day as well as avoid doing sit ups because of the possible damaging effects to the abdomen. I can, however, still participate in my Zumba classes which will be an outstanding exercise. In conclusion, as outlined above, I have set forth an easy yet effective nutritional and exercise plan. I truly believe that if I alter my diet to eating the recommended 1200 calories a day and increase my physical activity I will be successful in my weight loss. It is important for me to keep in mind that the 1200 calories should consist of healthy foods not exceeding my recommended protein, fat, and other intakes. I have my heart set on losing weight and finding a healthier me and with this mindset I know I can succeed! References BMI Calculator Plus: Personalized BMI for Your Body Type and Metabolism. (2008, November 26). WebMD – Better Information. Better Health. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Exercise and Weight Loss. (n.d.). WebMD – Better Information. Better Health. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Hellmich, N. (2010, January 13). U.S. obesity rate leveling off, at about one-third of adults – News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World – Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Obesity, Cholesterol, and Heart Disease – Weighing Your Risks. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2011, from

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Net Neutrality Yes Or No - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1716 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Net Neutrality Essay Did you like this example? Introduction When one who lives in America wants something censored they call or file a complaint to the Federal Communications Commission. This is a government agency located in Washington D.C. Now there are mixed opinions about this agencies motives when it comes to Net Neutrality. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Net Neutrality: Yes Or No?" essay for you Create order Net Neutrality is defined as the idea, principle, or requirement that Internet service providers should or must treat all Internet data as the same regardless of its kind, source, or destination (Merriam-Webster,n.d, p.1) Some people believe the Federal Communications Commission should get rid of net neutrality. Some people believe the Federal Communications Commission should only be in charge of Television, Radio, or Cable and stay away from getting rid of Net Neutrality. Should the Federal Communication Commission get rid of Net Neutrality? or Should the Federal Communication Commission keep things the way they are? Well, there are arguments from both sides. So sit tight and enjoy this roller coaster ride full of arguments and opinions. No More Net Neutrality One may believe that the Federal Communications Commission should get rid of Net Neutrality. A critical part of Internet openness involves Internet service providers being transparent about their business practices. Thats why the FCC has imposed enhanced transparency requirements. Internet service providers must publicly disclose information regarding their network management practices, performance, and commercial terms of service. These disclosures must be made via a publicly available, easily accessible company website or through the FCCs website. This will discourage harmful practices and help regulators target any problematic conduct. (Restoring Internet Freedom. 2018). Here the Federal Communications Commission states that their intentions are to make it so internet is public so the government can track down harmful practices. One may believe this is a valid point. Due to the fact that many people worry about getting their information hacked. If the Federal Communications Commis sion were to instill this then people would not have to worry as much. I believe to my core that it will result in lower bills for the smaller guys and more innovation. The repeal of net neutrality will force the larger players to invest in infrastructure for broadband service.( Henry, 2018, p.18). Zoe Henry includes in this periodical that if Net Neutrality is repealed it would result in lower bills for smaller companies and allow those companies to innovate more. This would result in the bigger companies to have to invest in infrastructure for broadband service. This point of view might be agreed upon from some people. If the Federal Communications Commission makes it so the smaller companies have less to pay then it will allow the smaller companies to build more instead of remaining stagnant. The costs of regulation are clear, and the benefits are not. ( Coren, 2017, p.12). Here Michael J. Coren is stating that the costs of Net Neutrality are high in price but it is hard to see any benefit coming from Net Neutrality. This is something that almost eve ryone wants. Almost everyone wants to pay less and to get more benefits. Nowadays, anything can be posted on the Internet under the guise of freedom of speech. Consequently, as a result, obscene and insensitive content easily ends up on the Internet. (Net Neutrality, 2018 p.34) This argument is brought up because people use freedom of speech as a reason to keep Net Neutrality. The counter-argument is that people are allowed too much freedom that it gets out of hand and people start posting things that are generally not acceptable. To wrap up this viewpoint it is believed that Net Neutrality should be repealed to allow smaller business to grow and make more money than they currently do. Also, because Net Neutrality costs too much without benefits. Lastly, because it allows people to abuse their freedom of speech. Resulting in obscene or insensitive things on the internet because of how easy it is to say that one is using their freedom of speech. Keep Net Neutrality Some people may believe that the Federal Communications Commission should not try to get rid of Net Neutrality. People believe Net Neutrality should be protected at all costs. Blogs, services, businesses, and any website that can operate legally is able to do so and be available because of net neutrality. There isnt any censorship available as long as the content being offered meets legal obligations. If illegal content is discovered, it can be immediately reported to law enforcement officials. Without this freedom of expression, it could become easier for illegal content, such as child pornography, to become more available. If a small ISP blocked access to all and approved of such a thing, it could hamper keeping our communities safe. (Lombardo,2017,p.6) Here Crystal Lombardo backs up the point that Net Neutrality should stay right where it is. By saying if Net Neutrality is removed it can cause child pornography to become more available and harm our communities. This is a valid poi nt regarding the situation at hand. One does not want to make it easier to make something like child pornography more widely available. That would be disturbing and cause more problems than needed. Consumers and internet users have a protected freedom of speech. Net neutrality gives us the right to express how we feel through social media. This is especially important for people like activists who start and spread movements via internet. (Ramirez,2018,p.7). Monica Ramirez backs up one of the pros of Net Neutrality. Due to the fact that Net Neutrality exists Americans have freedom of speech on the internet. If people want to start a movement for change for the better it is possible because of Net Neutrality. If the Federal Communication Commission were to remove Net Neutrality freedom of speech on the internet could possibly be affected. That would be pushing on the first amendment of the United States of America. There are some unquestionable advantages of Net Neutrality. The first one is that the World Wide Web stays neutral. This is the most easily understandable out the list. This just means that unless the content is illegal, there will not be any regulations against it. Internet service providers will not be able to block access or modify the stream of data or how you receive the data for their own benefit (Isberto, 2018. p.4). Michael Isberto states that the providers of ones internet because of Net Neutrality our not allowed to block access of data or how you receive said data for their own benefit. This would be a good thing for the people. It would allow them to stay neutral and not get treated differently from everyone else. Providers would not be able to pick and choose who gets charged more and who does not. This is one of the many arguments presented to back up Net Neutrality and keep it from getting removed by the Federal Communications Commission. Some of the pros of net neutrality depend on just how regulated things get. In its most extreme form, net neutrality could include serious price caps and rules about how prices would go up over time. Weve already established that the money comes from somewhere, and that a neutral net is good for power users and less good for light internet users. But serious price restrictions could theoretically limit the hit taken by light internet users, and instead f orce the ISPs to eat the cost. (Lovely, 2017,p.11). Stephen Lovely makes a point that users may be able to pay less because of Net Neutrality. People believe that the Federal Communication Comission should not get rid of Net Neutrality because if removed it could allow illegal things like child pornography to be more avaiable. Also, because of the fact that Net Neutrality protects our freedom of speech. If Net Neutrality is still around people will not have to worry about their providers picking and choosing who gets charged more and who does not. Lastly, it may allow people to pay less for their internet. Conclusion The reader of this essay may be able to draw multiple conclusions from this essay. It is possible that the reader sways on one side than the other when it comes to this heavily debated topic of Net Neutrality. It is a topic that should be talked about because the world is only becoming more and more internet savvy. Whether or not one agrees with the arguments from both sides it is ultimately a subject where someones opinion about the matter will shape how they feel about it. Someone who wants to get rid of Net Neutrality would agree with the first half of this essay. Whereas, someone who does not want Net Neutrality to be removed by the Federal Communication Comission would agree with the second half of the essay. It just depends what side one is on regarding the subject at hand. With the information given ask yourself some questions. Does the information for one particular side make more sense than the arguments set for the other side? That is how one will ultimately determine which side they are on. It is a back and forth topic that I am sure will definitely be brought up in the upcoming 2020 elections. What one can conclude about Net Neutrality is that like any other political topic it has its pros and it has its cons. References Coren, M. J. (2017, December 6). What are the arguments for repealing net neutrality? Retrieved from: Henry, Z. (2018). The Pros and the Cons of Net Neutrality. Inc, 40(2), 18. Retrieved from:,cookie,url,uiddb=a9hAN=128792478site=ehost-live Isberto, M. (2018, May 01). Pros and Cons to Net Neutrality What Side Are You On? Retrieved from Lombardo, C. (2017, May 31). 13 Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality. Retrieved from: Lovely S. (2017, December 22). The Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality. Retrieved from: Net Neutrality. (n.d.). Retrieved from: neutrality Net Neutrality: The Pros And Cons. (2018, November 30). Retrieved from: Ramirez, M. (2018, February 03). Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality. Retrieved from: Restoring Internet Freedom. (2018, June 13). Retrieved from:

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Beowulf The Battles Of Beowulf - 1216 Words

The Battles of Beowulf The story of Beowulf is one of a great hero. Beowulf is a very generous person who is always willing to help out when people are in need. Over the course of the story, Beowulf ends up in three major battles: the battle with Grendel, with Grendel’s mother, and with the dragon. All of these battles were different in their style and the way Beowulf approached them was different. Beowulf also had different reasons to participate in each of the battles. The first major battle that Beowulf fights in is against Grendel. Beowulf’s motive for this particular fight is to get revenge for what Grendel did to the Danes. Grendel raided the Danes for a total of twelve years. As we learned throughout the book Beowulf was very selfless and was always willing to help out other people. When Grendel comes to Heorot, he devours and kills a Geatish warrior all while Beowulf watches very closely. After this, Grendel tries to reach out and get Beowulf, but is surprised to find his arm gripped with the great strength of Beowulf. Grendel tries to run back to his home in the swamplands because he knows that he will not be able to compete with the mighty Beowulf. At the end of the battle Beowulf summons great strength and rips Grendel’s arm off his body. Grendel, now fatally wounded, goes back to his home and eventually dies. Beowulf holds up the bloody arm of Grendel like a trophy and hangs it on the wall in Heorot as proof that he defeated Grendel. Around theShow MoreRelatedBeowulf Battle Comparison1293 Words   |  6 PagesJosh Lessin Ms. Schroder English IV Honors 9-21-17 Beowulf Battle Comparison In his three major battles, Beowulf fights for many different reasons. His motivation varies, and as he grows older and wiser his attitude toward these battles also changes. 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